
Orange blossoms


On the wedding of Angela Gabriela Oswald and Timothy Ambrose Desmond, Oct. 22, 2022



Finnegan Jacob Millar Desmond

Child of the Morning Sun

Breath of tomorrow’s dreams.

My grandchild, my friend,

My gamemaker.

You stand at the middle of a new family.

A family built with love

crafted by hope.

A family ready to pour cement  

Around the edges of three promises

Three blessings 

Three lives

The cement that weds you today 

Will bring you stability 

In this ever-changing landscape

As you promise to be the son

To be the glue, the very center

Of your new tribe.

The son of Angela, the beautiful

Still son of Timothy, the strong

Much loved grandchild of four of us

We all promise you our abiding devotion

Our support, our appreciation

Always our love.